We are all given "lemons" in life. We all struggle with something. Some have more struggles (lemons) than others. Some have struggles that no one else can see. Sometimes we have struggles that others refuse to even acknowledge. They come in all sorts of ways, physical, financial, mental, familial, etc. We can also have more struggles at certain times then at other times. You might have 5 lemons you are currently dealing with, while someone else might have just 1 or 2. No matter the shape, size or timing we all are given lemons.
We can all choose what to do with these lemons. We can carry them around and hold resentment for the fact that they are ours to bear. Some might choose to take the burden on by themselves, trying to eat the lemon no matter how much their face might pucker. Still others might try to rid themselves of their lemons by trying to blame others, or even getting revenge.
How are we suppose to turn them into lemonade when it can be so heavy just to have them in the first place?
We add sugar!
When we add sugar to our lemons they become bearable, even desirable. If lemons are a metaphor for our burdens and problems, then what is the sugar suppose to represent? How do we make hard things ok, and bearable?
What sugar do you add to your life to make it bearable, to make it sweet? The concept of things that apply to every person on the planet and yet differ from person to person fascinates me. We all need to eat, but not the same things. We all need down time, to take care of ourselves but there are myriad ways in which we can accomplish this.
Some of the things that add sweetness to my life, that make my life bearable are: friends, downtime, my relationship with God, hiking, exercising, reading, writing.
Yes, life gives us lemons, but that doesn't mean it is suppose to be bitter, it doesn't mean we are suppose to hate everything about it. We can do things to add sweetness and turn our lemons into joy. What things help sweeten your life?
You are so wise sister! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!