I was recently asked if there are any books that I think are must have's in terms of picture books/read-alouds. At the time, for some reason I felt put on the spot, and didn't really allow my brain time to process the question in order to come up with a good answer. So here is my real answer...
There are A LOT of great books out there, there are also A LOT of books that have no substance, and truly are not worth our time. The job of sorting out which is which, can be time consuming, and arduous. Not ideal for a home schooling mother with young children. So my recommendation at this point, because this is the source I use to determine which books are best, The Read Aloud Handbook, by Jim Trelease, and Honey for a Child's Heart, by Gladys Hunt. They are both stellar books!
Most people feel that reading to their children is important. I also use to feel that way. I now feel, since having read these books that reading together as a family is important, and that there are books to read, and books not to be read. There are ages that books should be enjoyed, and ages that maybe they shouldn't be, or aren't ready for that book just yet. There is a reason that a classic is a classic and that revising it, or adapting it, or retelling it, makes it not a classic. I use to know that reading to my children is important. Now I know that reading to my teenagers will also be important. Now I know that reading out loud while my children are at home will make up a sizable portion of my homeschooling efforts.
The main reason I would recommend these two books for the question posed, is because of their extensive list of great books. In The Read~Aloud Handbook it is referred to as the treasury of read-alouds, is divided by category as well as grade and is 115 pages long! In Honey For A Child's Heart it is divided by categories, as well as ages and is 116 pages long!
Jim Trelease's web page
Gladys Hunt's blog
You can't buy Gladys' book from her blog, but it's a great blog, and has links to web sites where her book is for sale.
I welcome your comments.
Happy Reading!