Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

How can words express gratitude for the single person who has had the most influence in my life?  You have seen me through to adulthood- to my own independence, and yet I still want you in my life.  You have given me so much, but the thing that stands out the most is your patience and love. 

Always you were patient with me.

Always you loved me!

Always you were there, the constant presence of someone that is always patient and kind, someone that loves you as only a mother can has turned me into the person I am.  So when you tell me you are proud to be my mother, don't forget your own role in accomplishing who I am and have become.

You taught me to pray, because I saw you praying.

You taught me to love because I saw and felt your love.

You taught me to weather life's storms no matter your own personal cost, because I saw you do the same.

You taught me to have faith, because I saw your faith.

You taught me to be smart about the decisions I make, because that's what I saw you do.

You taught me that life should be fun and to find the good in it, because you always have.

Thank you for all these things, and so much more!!

Happy Mother's Day!
I love you!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What Works

This past week or so I have been thinking back on our year of home schooling.  Evaluating and analyzing how things have gone, what worked, what didn't, what I need to change or add, Whats missing etc...

Many things have gone really well, and in that sense they have worked for us.  For our math curriculum we use Math-u-see, Jeremiah is doing really well in that area.  The science units I found online are working great.  After all the analyzing and evaluating I can do, it boils down to this:  what has worked for me, for us, this year is prayer.

Prayer has brought patience where before I can assure you, there was very little patience.

Prayer has brought conviction, the conviction I needed to stand up to nay sayers, and the like.  The conviction I needed to help me stay the course even when things were hard- really really hard.

After all the research one can do, and all the studying about home schooling, prayer helped me know what methods and curriculum and ideas were best for us.  Prayer helped me see through the dust to the gold.

Prayer has taken a day filled with anger and frustration and yelling, and made it peaceful, healed the wounds that were created and helped us move on.

Prayer has given me courage to take on something so big that I cannot see the end from the beginning, or even what the middle will look like.  I can feel the Lords reassurance and for now that is enough.

Prayer has brought answers from the most unlikely places, help came to me when I didn't even know that is what I was praying for.  I was praying though and asking for help, and help came and answered a question I didn't even know I had.  Yet, I did have it, and with out the answer things could not progress.

Prayer has done all these things and so much more.  I did not know that I was living a luke warm life until I took on a project so big I couldn't even comprehend where to start or how to start.  I could not start without the Lords guidance and help.